• Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) also known as Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome is a genetic disorder of blood vessels. In Alberta, a recent study showed a province-wide prevalence of 1 in 3800 people.


  • A person with HHT tends to form blood vessels that lack the capillaries between an artery and a vein.


  • This means that blood under high pressure flows directly into the veins without having to squeeze through the small capillaries first.


  • These areas where the  artery is directly connected to the vein tends to be a fragile area that can rupture and result in bleeding. Telangiectasia is the name given to vessels with such abnormalities if they are small and Arterioveneous Malformation (AVM) if it involves large vessels.


  • Telangiectasia commonly occur in areas near the surface of the body such as the skin and mucous membrane that lines the nose. AVMs tend to occur in the internal organs of the body.


  • These often occur in the nose, mouth and skin of the face and hands, as well as the lining of the brain, lungs, intestines and liver.
  • The last Saturday of each February is Rare Disease Day. Celebrate with us February 29, 2020!



  • The Edmonton HHT Centre provides screening and treatment for HHT in Western Canada. Satellite clinics are located in the following location that links with our Centre:
    • BC - Vancouver, Cranbrook, Prince George
    • Alberta - Calgary and Grande Prairie (in development)
    • Saskatchewan - Saskatoon




Edmonton HHT Centre

Location: Kaye Edmonton Clinic (adjacent to the University of Alberta)


Services patients from Western Canada  (in-person and telehealth services):

British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon / NorthWest Territories


Director: Dr. Dilini Vethanayagam

Associate Director: Dr. Richard Owen

Pediatric Director: Dr. Carina Majaesic

Medical Genetics: Dr. Alison Eaton 

HHT Stroke Director: Dr. Thomas Jeerakathil

HHT ENT Leads: Dr. David Cote (Edmonton) - only site for endonasal laser therapy in AB

                            Dr. Amin Javer (Vancouver) - only site for endonasal laser therapy in BC


Calgary Satellite HHT Clinic - Dr. Charlene Fell / Dr. Dawn Goodyear / Dr. Oliver Halliwell

SW BC Satellite HHT Clinic - Dr. Scott Apperley / Dr. Pearce Wilcox

SE BC Satellite HHT Clinic - Dr. Lori Wik

Northern BC Satellite HHT Clinic - Dr. Sharla Olson

Saskatchewan Satellite HHT Clinic - Dr. Erika Penz


Administrative Assistant: Ms. Iris de Guzman

Phone: (780) 492-5879

Fax: (780) 492-6739




 Administrative Office Address

3-105 Clinical Services Building

11304-83 Avenue

University of Alberta

Edmonton, AB


T6G 2G3